It's almost 50 Years since the Class of 1960 graduated. We are planning a bigger and better Reunion to celebrate. The 50th Reunion Committee members are Mona Carver Eddy, Sandy White Harvey, Nancy Lord Kunes, Marty Morse, David O'Brien, Bill Fraser and Mary Ann Norman Bailey. Anyone with ideas to share please contact one of the committee members.
Our friends from the Class of 1959 will join us this weekend to make this an even better full weekend event. We have tried to plan several days of optional events that should include something to excite everyone.
The Main event will be the Saturday evening banquet at Mickey Finn’s in Victor, where we have reserved the banquet room for the entire evening so everyone will have a chance to catch up the years with all of our old friends and classmates. The cost is estimated to be $30 per person.
We are working on confirming discounted room rates near the banquet that can be used for the weekend or just Saturday night.
Reunion Weekend Agenda
Fri 12:30p Welcoming lunch at Cheap Charlie’s
open Ganondagan State Historic Site Tour
2:30p Tour of East Bloomfield Historical Society
3:30p Tour of Bloomfield Central School Tour
6:00p Casual Get Together at Mona & Don Eddy's
Sat 10:00a Winery Tour
2:00p Canandaigua Lake Cruise
6:00p Banquet Social Hour
6:45p Reunion Photos
7:00p Banquet Dinner, 7:00 pm
Entertainment, Top Hits of the 50's
Sun 12:30p Picnic at Thomas Pond Pavilion
Schedule & Events are subject to change
To assist in planning this event we need everyone from both Classes of 1959 & 1960 to respond ASAP. We need to know if you plan on attending or will not be able to attend. Please email or call Mona Carver Eddy at or 585-657-7279. Class of 1959 can call Mary Ann Norman Bailey at 585-657-7912 or email Mona.